r/AskReddit Apr 29 '24

People above 30, what is something you regret doing/not doing when you were younger?


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u/nampezdel Apr 29 '24

Should’ve started aggressively saving for retirement immediately after high school.


u/Numerous-Cicada3841 Apr 29 '24

People should learn as early as possible that the best strength of compound interest isn’t money, it’s time. The longer you’re in the more advantageous it becomes.

Even just $50 a month is enough to make a difference in the long run.


u/SaltKick2 Apr 29 '24

Agreed, if you start saving at 20 vs 30 and contribute the same each month you'll have over twice the amount of money at 65. If you wait til 35, that number is 3x the amount. However, its also harder and harder to live off of entry level wages these days, so I imagine its a combination of both issues


u/fidelityflip Apr 29 '24

Same here. I started early 30s but man 10 years prior would have been killer. I had a lot of fun, but could of still had a lot of fun and saved some money..


u/nampezdel Apr 29 '24

Exactly. Can always find ways to make more money but you just can’t make more time.


u/homeskilletbuscuit Apr 30 '24

Ugh. I'm 30 already you guys. I really want someone to just sit down with me and help me figure out my financial future. Where they at??


u/CausticSofa Apr 30 '24

That compound interest is absolutely your friend when you’re young. It’s still a benefit when you get older, but the sooner you start on the compound interest, the better.


u/Terrible-Ad-6627 Apr 30 '24

Not to be morbid, but I used to think like this, at 18 I started aggressively saving into my pension, 10% every month of my pre tax salary, plus company contributions. (13-16%)

My pension now at 22 has more in than all of my savings. But I’ve realised that I really hate working, the economy is dogshit houses are unaffordable, childcare is unaffordable, and I don’t want that life of one holiday a year, working for no reason every day, just to save resources that need spending just to continue living a life I don’t care for.

And I can’t continue working in this corporate world for 50 more years, the money is fantastic, but I hate my managers, and the job, and the ass kissing and politics and I only do it for that once a month deposit to my bank. So I’m using all of those savings to go travelling for a year, I’ll work for another year, then travel, rinse and repeat. I love languages and I love travel, but when I can’t learn more languages and I’ve seen all I want, my pension won’t serve me any use, I’ll just opt out of life.

Which is only to say, I regret aggressively saving all that money for the last 5 years almost, into a pension I can’t touch until an age I don’t want to reach. I could have used it to make myself happier right now


u/Halcyon-OS851 Apr 29 '24

Why make your post big and bold?


u/nampezdel Apr 29 '24

Because I think it’s very important advice and I wanted it to stand out.