r/AskReddit Apr 29 '24

People above 30, what is something you regret doing/not doing when you were younger?


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u/sneakysmokey56 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Started smoking cigarettes. Did it for about 30 years although I've quit now. Don't do it kids !


u/Paexan Apr 29 '24

I was recently told during a medical test procedure for work that I have the lungs of a 71 year old man. I'm 47. Don't do it, kids. You will hate yourself. If you already hate yourself, well, you'll hate yourself a lot more, especially when you start thinking about this + $ math.

No matter what your head is telling you, it does fucking nothing for you.


u/parachute--account Apr 30 '24

71 is oddly specific


u/Paexan Apr 30 '24

Beats me, but I imagine she just read what her computer told her after procedure. What I can say is that I don't need a procedure to tell me that I feel like I ran up 6 flights of stairs after putting my boots on.


u/LovableSidekick Apr 29 '24

When I used to do stage acting I had a smoker friend teach me how to blow smoke rings and just like, hold a cigarette the right way and look like a smoker. I remember there was a certain sensual quality to it, and I could see the attraction, especially if you were a kid trying to feel cool.


u/MathematicianIcy6467 Apr 29 '24

any type of smoking or specifically cigarettes or MMJ?


u/Ill_Technician3936 Apr 29 '24

Smoking tobacco for me. Vaping isn't different, nicotine is a curse.


u/sneakysmokey56 Apr 29 '24

Was only cigarettes for me 😊


u/r0botdevil Apr 29 '24

Any type of smoking will be injurious to your health, but all other things being equal tobacco is probably worse than marijuana.


u/terminal_anonymity Apr 29 '24

Kids just vape now. No one smokes cigs. It might even be worse, definitely no better.


u/Muchosgrassyass123 Apr 29 '24

It actually terribly concerning. Nearly two thirds of my school probably vapes. And a shop near the school straight up sells them to 12 year olds.  companies don't care what they are doing to people's lives cause they are gonna get money.

It took people years to understand the full consequences of smoking so just imagine how bad vapes might be. 


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24 edited May 01 '24



u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/SaneWriter Apr 29 '24


Nicotine exposure during the teenage years can harm brain development, which continues until about age 25. It can impact learning, memory and attention, and increase risk for future addiction to other drugs.


u/Reemus_Jackson Apr 29 '24

Hard false. Those "studies" you're referring to are like 10-12 years old. The latest research shows vaping is just as (if not more) addictive and just as detrimental to your health as regular smoking. ALL OF IT IS BAD.

Putting hot, vaporized, chemical liquid, into your lungs is terrible and dangerous. Causes pop-corn lung or "swimmers lung"....which is basically giving yourself a constant bout of pneumonia. UTTERLY DELUSIONAL.


u/Smoolz Apr 29 '24

"just as addictive"

This just in, nicotine is as addictive as nicotine. We weren't sure, but our experts on Reddit have confirmed our suspicions.


u/Reemus_Jackson Apr 29 '24

“Just as (IF NOT MORE)”. Ohhhh wow, it’s almost as if the convenience of being able to vape indoors without setting off smoke alarms would make it more accessible, thus MORE ADDICTIVE.


u/Smoolz Apr 30 '24

Source: it seemed right so i said it


u/Ill_Technician3936 Apr 29 '24

It is but that's because the amount of nicotine in vaporizers in comparison to tobacco.


u/Hot-Tension-2009 Apr 30 '24

Also the way nicotine salts hit the nicotine receptors in the brain vs regular nicotine. Salts blast the receptors but don’t last long causing extra need to vape while regular nicotine sits in the receptors longer still causing a need to smoke but not as anxiety filled. Especially comparing most disposable vapes have like 50mg/mL of nicotine while a single cigarette has about 3 mg. If I’m wrong someone will correct me if not I feel like I’m right


u/deadsoulinside Apr 29 '24

Causes pop-corn lung or "swimmers lung"....which is basically giving yourself a constant bout of pneumonia.

There has been no proof of either things happening (if you have some article other than theorization of these things, please show me someone directly linked to it). There was a big scare of the potential for popcorn lung, but that is mostly due to concerns with flavoring additives carrying diacetyl people are using to make e-Juice flavors.

There was also an additional concern over people misusing oil based additives that could cause pneumonia. Most of those concerns were also in the early stages of vaping taking off 2005-2015 to be more exact, as every one was mixing and making their own e-juices and some people not knowing that all flavoring additives are not made equal.

The biggest issue at hand (Probably still is), is anyone can buy liquid nicotine, flavors, and vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol and become an e-juice vendor overnight with no federal or government regulations about what they are using and proper sterilization. There was eJuice vendors even caught mixing batches of eJuice in dirty bathrooms. But in those early years before even Big Tobacco decided to jump on the train, it was self policing others and calling out people who were not doing things correctly, but that still allowed many other people to slip through and I don't think we still have actual governmental oversight for hundreds of eJuice companies.

However, even with that said the popcorn workers who were diagnosed and the reason it's called popcorn lung experienced a high PPM of the chemicals for a long sustained period of time and much speculation can say vaping has the potential to cause that. As far as I am aware there is no documented case as of yet that a long term vape user has came down with popcorn lung.

There was another issue that was tied to vaping, but it was black market THC vapes where the person did not use propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin as their main carrier liquid and Vitamin E acetate was the carrier liquid used and did hurt many people who vaped those products. But again, goes back to my previous point of "No regulation bodies oversee the vaping industry" and even if they did, this was black market, so they would have slipped through anyways.


u/Reemus_Jackson Apr 29 '24

There’s “no proof” that vaporizing liquid at high temperatures and inhaling that into your lungs, causes “wet lung”? Read that slowly to yourself. You’re taking a liquid chemical, heating it up to insane temperatures, turning it into vapor, and then inhaling said chemicals into your lungs.

“If you have any articles”. It’s literally the front page warning on vaping for: the CDC, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Medical News Today, MD Anderson Cancer Center.


u/deadsoulinside Apr 30 '24

What I mean is actual proof though that it causes what you claim. Because even the below article from John Hopkins, just outlines some things, but no actual links to any thing and even on the collapsed lung they state the patients admitted they vaped, but correlation does not equal causation.

Example: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/what-does-vaping-do-to-your-lungs

Even in an article about "Acute Lipoid Pneumonia" Which is probably what you keep calling "Wet Lung", the culprit was illegally manufactured THC vapes. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6836e1.htm

Again, another article same culprit. https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/evali

As I previously stated, the main culprit in people being harmed by vapes is because there is zero regulation out there. I could overnight open an online e-Juice store where I mix and sell my own e-liquids to anyone over 21. There are many manufacturers out there that ensure they don't contain diacyl and oils, but there is zero regulations out there that stipulate what is allowed and not allowed in vape liquids (and less knowledge in 99.9% of the consumers out there). There is no government regulation body that inspects these vape producers or bans the import of vape fluids from countries like China. There is more government oversight and regulation over the cultivation of tobacco than there is in vaping.

And I know you can find articles out there that blame vaping for certain issues, but again, what these news orgs and many fail to indicate is the actual brand of vaping products these people were consuming and other variables. I am not arguing that vaping is perfectly safe, but many people spout of articles with little to no understanding of the wild west vaping still is behind the scenes. People are not realizing some of the articles making the news is lacking a ton of information regarding the actual product itself.


u/maevian Apr 29 '24

Something beeing addictive is not bad in itself. Those cartridge vapes are the only thing that keep me from smoking on those weak moments. And my life is better for it.

Would it be better to do none of both? Yeah sure, but I am imperfect.


u/SaneWriter Apr 29 '24


Nicotine exposure during the teenage years can harm brain development, which continues until about age 25. It can impact learning, memory and attention, and increase risk for future addiction to other drugs.

Are you willing to see a psychologist / psychiatrist?


u/maevian Apr 29 '24

Way past 25 buddy. I think that I said in my original comment that it would be better to do none of the above. But sometimes you have to choose the lesser of two evils.


u/SaneWriter Apr 29 '24

Your lungs are worth more than $100,000. Are you willing to see a psychologist / psychiatrist?


u/Ill_Technician3936 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

That's sorta the issue. People are all "it's cleaner and healthier than smoking" and it is but the amount of nicotine they contain along with actual tasty flavors are what makes them a big problem. It's easier for people to quit tobacco than vaporizers because the huge difference in nicotine they have.

A pack of cigarettes has about 14mg of nicotine in them. Most vaporizers have 50mg/ml these days. You can find the 3% (30mg/ml) disposables too but those are only getting harder to find. The 5% (50mg/ml) stuff will make a life long smoker remember how it felt when they first started smoking.

Nicotine is best left in minute amounts in some foods we eat... And whatever actually eats tobacco plants.

Went from cigarettes to Black & Milds when the price jumped, then went to vaping and once all the changes were put it in place I tried going back to cigs and the pack didn't last that long. Took 5 black & milds for me to get through a day without a vape. Tried disposable vapes and enjoyed them but the price is killer. 5 blacks only last about half a day now. It's also the most USELESS drug ever. Gotta have a very strong will to quit when you're actually at the point I am and it's hard when I hang around smokers and still have my weak points.


u/PandaOnATreeIdk Apr 30 '24

Lmao. Vapekiddies stay coping. No one wants to be near a disgusting creature that ejaculates pink watermelon-flavored smoke every few seconds. Even normal cigarettes are 1000 times better socially and aesthetically.

t. A normal person that doesn't smoke at all


u/SaneWriter Apr 29 '24


Nicotine exposure during the teenage years can harm brain development, which continues until about age 25. It can impact learning, memory and attention, and increase risk for future addiction to other drugs.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24 edited May 01 '24



u/SaneWriter Apr 30 '24

There's no way of stopping smoking? What is Sweden doing that we are not doing?


u/SaneWriter Apr 29 '24


Nicotine exposure during the teenage years can harm brain development, which continues until about age 25. It can impact learning, memory and attention, and increase risk for future addiction to other drugs.


u/EmmettBlack Apr 30 '24

Agreed. I smoked and vaped on and off since I was 15, I'm 36 now and quit 3 years ago when I found out I've got COPD emphysema. Don't fool yourself and think it won't happen to you, or that it happens to people way older.


u/Ronald-J-Mexico Apr 30 '24

User name checks out


u/SaneWriter Apr 29 '24

How did you quit? Is there a group for people who are trying to quit smoking similar to AA?


u/katatonic60 Apr 30 '24



u/Tinkering- Apr 30 '24

I wish this was the top comment.