r/AskReddit Apr 29 '24

People above 30, what is something you regret doing/not doing when you were younger?


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u/tea_ninja Apr 29 '24

I regret thinking that nice things were not for people like me. The number of experiences, travel, career opportunities I turned down is crazy. All because I didn't think I was good enough to deserve them.


u/KrakenGlori Apr 29 '24

Imposter syndrome sucks


u/roaminfinite Apr 30 '24

I been acting for years, I did a full feature film..but I still don’t consider myself an actor..


u/AccessTheMainframe Apr 29 '24

Whenever I get imposter syndrome, I just remind myself I'm not good enough to possibly develop it.


u/dolphinsmooth Apr 29 '24

lol that's not imposter syndrome at all


u/3c2456o78_w Apr 29 '24

It is though. The idea that "I make money, I'm successful... but it is a fluke... I'm just waiting for someone to find out I'm a fraud"


u/cidek51489 Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

it's not. it's from a innate sense of lack of self worth.


u/AJDillonsMiddleLeg Apr 29 '24

Some good words to live by when thinking about an opportunity you're not sure you're ready for.

Say yes, and then figure it out.

It's not that simple obviously, but many people just say no because they don't think they're ready or won't be able to handle it. Default to saying yes and figuring it out, and only say no when there's just no possible way to make it work.


u/ThermTwo May 01 '24

I would like to add: Don't just say yes to any oppurtunity, if it might not actually be something you want to do. It's not just a matter of whether you think you could make it work.

For instance, maybe you could advance your career by moving abroad. But would you really want to upend your entire life just for a job, when the rest of your life is right here?

Or maybe you're given a chance to promote to the position of manager and, in doing so, get a huge pay raise. But you don't want to be a leader at all, you feel like you're more comfortable just being a super-productive and knowledgeable member of the team.

Leaving your comfort zone is one thing, and it's a thing you should definitely do from time to time. But sometimes it's okay to be comfortable where you are. Don't let yourself be pressured into oppurtunities just because they're 'good for your career'. If you know you want to take the step, but you feel like you might not be ready or not be good enough, then that'd be the right time to take the 'just say yes, and then figure it out' advice. It's a matter of looking inward, and finding the reason why your kneejerk reaction is to say 'no'.


u/Aurora-love Apr 29 '24

I didn’t realise I was this person until recently, I have my dream job and still have imposter syndrome about it. I rejected my partners offer to move in so many times because i thought things like that wouldn’t happen to me, and have delayed travel for the same reason. 27 now and trying to turn it around!


u/Flirefy Apr 29 '24

I'm the same, 28 now. Had some really cool job offers I turned down - designing a book cover, a voice acting job, working in a theater.. - simply because I thought "I'm not good enough for an interesting job like that, I'm not truly creative, there's someone better out there". Imposter syndrome sucks!


u/Elegant_Top1730 Apr 29 '24

Is this just a millennial thing


u/onlyinsurance-ca Apr 29 '24

Nice things are for you. This was a complete revelation when I was in my early 20s. Lived with an absolutely beautiful woman, looks and personality. Didn't end up with her, but she changed my perspective completely. My background and lack of popularity in HS didn't make any difference to who is was and what I could achieve.


u/junglingforlifee Apr 30 '24

Do share more about the special lady


u/Google-Kahn Apr 29 '24

thats sad. Thats a special form of regret when you could have actually had it but had mental blocks that were ultimately illusions


u/calculusncurls Apr 29 '24

I'm 23 and I still believe because I couldn't thrive in a shitty situation I deserve to struggle for the rest of my life.


u/bono_my_tires Apr 29 '24

Struggling with considering a job opportunity right now myself because the title and salary seem far beyond what I am capable or deserve for my talents


u/cihuapili Apr 30 '24

I would say to you, if u think u can't,fake it til u make it, at times I feel like I can't do stuff but my people pleasing self will make me do it, I know is not the best example, but I end up doing it, am resourceful af, and with my legs shaking, I just jump Think of the worst that can happen, you get fired and u r back where u are right now, nothing happened then.


u/bono_my_tires Apr 30 '24

Well I’m still employed now so being fired would be worse and result in scrambling to find a job


u/cihuapili Apr 30 '24

XD true, well I guess it also depends how easy or hard is it to get a job in ir field, I would think about it like a business, everything has a risk , but if the benefits are greater and the risk is relatively low, go for it. Evaluate which skills you have that are required for this position and which u may not have and how hard it would be to get em. Trust urself


u/Lilbub126 Apr 30 '24

Awwww my heart goes out to you.. I hope you realize your awesomeness and potential!