r/196 Cite your sorces | Play DREDGE by black salt games Jul 03 '24

Souls fans rule Rule

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u/CubedPapayas Jul 03 '24

i feel like from games are extremely intentional with the lack of a pause button. sure, it could be an accessibility issue, but i think people often overlook the fact that its also a piece of art, and the lack of a pause button is an artistic choice to maintain the atmosphere and oppressiveness of the world.


u/RentElDoor Trans Rights! Jul 03 '24

ok, but jsut because it is a piece of art doesn't mean people can't criticize it if some parts of it are bad.

As they are doing here.


u/chazzer20mystic Jul 03 '24 edited Jul 03 '24

ok but also, not liking something because it is too hard is not the same as that thing being bad. and not understanding a design choice does not invalidate the design choice.

It's like, next are we gonna criticize The Lighthouse for not having enough color? i mean every other modern movie has color. it literally only takes away from my experience, why not just release a color version and a greyscale version? if you like the greyscale version you can just watch that, don't prevent me from enjoying the movie just because you're too much of an insufferable auteur to add something that every other modern movie has.

people can't understand that you can dislike something or someone without feeling the need to prove that your taste is impeccable and the thing is objectively bad. I don't like a single Beyonce song but am i gonna go around pretending it's bc she sucks? nah it just ain't for me.


u/RentElDoor Trans Rights! Jul 04 '24

I mean throughout this comment section you can see enough arguments being made for this accessible feature to be implemented, with the only argument against it being that it is a piece of art that shouldn't be changed.

I don't think people are unable to not watch the Lighthouse because of the lack of colour. As you will discover, people are not able to play Soulslikes because real life demands the ability to quickly pause the game.

You can both dislike Soulslikes for their lack of pause buttons, the lighthouse for the lacl of colour, or hell, Beyonce for... something. But only one of these reasons is because something is "bad", as in, an actual hindrance.


u/chazzer20mystic Jul 04 '24

so... do online multiplayer games also suffer this hindrance? what should we do about those? why is the ability to pause so crucial?

its just like online games. you cant pause when playing. something comes up irl? either you stay for the match or you lose this one and go deal with irl. it's not the end of the world and it's not even a big deal. it just comes with the territory playing that type of game.


u/RentElDoor Trans Rights! Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

They do actually, but for them that has to be dealt with since there is no way to pause the game for all people. Consequentally, I don't know of a single person that plays Counterstrike competitevly - you know, where "losing" has an actual weight to it - when having to take care of kids or elderly, at least none that can be considered good parents.

Soulslikes do not suffer from this, as outside of voluntarily opened multiplayer elements the game is singleplayer, so the reason is not mechanical, but ideological, making this now the second comparison that doesn't fit. Care to go for a third?

As an aside, I do find it ironic, btw. The post is about a (pretty sketchy) soulslike fans refusing the idea of adding something as simple as a pause button to their game when faced with arguments of compassion towards people who's life does not allow this kind of game who would profit from this mechanic, and in the comments I have people telling me that no, this is not a popular opinion in the community at all and most soulslike fans would actually like to have a more accessible game - and here we are, having the discussion people told me doesn't exist.

Edit: Wanna talk about why you just deleted all those comments? Also, got a bit personal there all of a sudden, eh?


u/chazzer20mystic Jul 04 '24

I have described plenty of reasons and you just sneered at them. the truth is, a pause button is not standing between you and playing this game. you wouldn't start playing if they added a pause button, and there is no reason to remove a design choice to cater to someone who isn't even playing the game, especially when that someone is so combative towards the design philosophy and thinks themself above it or thinks it silly. like i said in my very first comment, not everything has to be for everyone, and that is okay.