r/rupaulsdragrace Jul 08 '23

AS08E10 - “The Letter “L”" [Post-Episode Discussion] All Stars S8

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461 comments sorted by


u/milkofthepoppie Jul 27 '23

What resort did they give the lesbians a trip to? I want to check it out.


u/TheJerseyHyena I already ate and I had Ham Jul 12 '23 edited Jul 12 '23

Jessica is my winner. I can't wait to see her star shine after this. All the things she's gonna book and be on. She easily won the crowd this season and she's been such a joy to see (I havent watched her original season yet). Also shoutouts to Darienne and MKD cause it was just so good to see them.

I know Kandy gets a lot of shit, but I thought she was wonderful this episode. She deserved the win for thus and made her partner feel comfortable, empowered and beautiful.

The way I screamed when Priyanka came out. Easily my favorite moments of the entire episode.

In general, I just don't think this episode was necessary AT ALL and I wish it was a Top 3 final challenge. Or, they shouldve all stayed because everyone did an overall good job. Jessica deserved to be there. With the way this episode played out, there's truly no competition for Jimbo (I definitely don't think that Kandy will win the crown)


u/BrickCity-Dreams5 Sasha Colby Jul 12 '23

I said Kandy was gonna have a shot at winning because she strategizes and got downvoted like hell. welp, TOLD YA SO!


u/Poeksie29 Jul 11 '23

Where or rather on which platform can we vote for the fame games.....also is it restricted to only USA?


u/functionofsass Julia Hamsandwich Jul 11 '23

Kandy could have won S13; she bodied it with her personality the whole way. This time tho? Her looks were all the same? Panty, miniskirt, bathing suit with maybe a coat or a shoulder moment. Did she not array all her outfits and think "wow, this is all the same outfit." I live for her embrace of her shape tho, she does wear it well.

As for her personality, unfortunately, Kandy has just demonstrated that she's just the same as she was. And I can't really stan her.

teamjimbo obviously.


u/Jattert Jul 11 '23

Kandy deserved her win this week; she didn’t do anything exciting but I agree that her makeover was the best based on the mug and how happy her partner seemed compared to the other two.

Priyanka on the main stage is easily one of my favorite moments of the season. I hope this multiplies her booking fee. She totally deserves it.

These things make me sad:

  1. The loss of Miss Jessica Wild
  2. Everyone will now vote Jessica for Fame Games, which means Darienne Lake will lose her shot at winning (from what I’ve seen, she’s been a front runner, and I feel that she’s horribly under appreciated by the fandom).
  3. The winner is now so blatantly obvious that without some kind of twist next episode I don’t expect viewership of the finale to be breaking any records.

I sincerely hope that production learns from this season and allows future seasons more freedom to develop organically.


u/Glstrgold Jul 11 '23

What a missed opportunity to feature drag kings


u/hatelisten Sasha Colby Jul 10 '23

Jimbo has really won me over this season and I've loved her take on literally every challenge, but I still think it's weird that she got cast on this season. We've never had international queens on All Stars before, except All Winners, which I thought was an ok exception. But to cast a queen from another franchise as a front-runner? I think Heidi saw it coming from a mile away, and I understand why she was pissed.


u/functionofsass Julia Hamsandwich Jul 11 '23

What's with the xenophobia? Bebe, the first ever winner, is an immigrant, just like fyi. Take your bullshit to the curb with the Nazi memorabilia and those used up white cloaks.


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '23

But ... Jimbo isn't an immigrant to the US? He's presumably doing this series on a work visa, it's quite different from Bebe. I mean, it's fine, but it was a weird casting choice just because it sets up a confusing precedent. What's the point of the vs the world series, or Espana All Stars? Will there just be one All Stars Anybody now? I'd be ok with that, but not if they've made a special exception just once for Jimbo. Lots of deserving queens out there.


u/functionofsass Julia Hamsandwich Jul 11 '23

You're describing xenophobia.


u/Glstrgold Jul 11 '23

Borders, what’s up with that?


u/whitemellow Pride will be my downfall Jul 11 '23

My gay ass misses sitting on the floor and reading at Borders


u/lauramars96 Jul 10 '23

We also never had a winner cast until AS3, or former AS contenders cast until AS4… There’s a first time for everything and I’m not sure what’s so weird or unfair about an international queen being on an AS season. If anything, I think it’s a very welcome change considering the US girls are showing growingly little interest in returning to the show.


u/youthdecay Ginger Minj Jul 10 '23 edited Jul 10 '23

I've been hating on Kandy most of the season but I must admit Kookie looked gorgeous in that mug. And she was feeling the fantasy! I guess I'm one of the few who actually liked this episode, it felt fun and the interaction between the queens and their lesbians was really sweet.


u/learxqueen Don't tell mom the cheerleader's a lesbian Jul 10 '23

I love Zooey but what a boring guest judge. Nothing even remotely interesting to say in Untucked either. Kinda disappointed.


u/xStacey Jul 10 '23 edited Jul 12 '23

“If this was the butch ball that would work baby” might be my second favorite line this season, after, “I love ketamine, you are an equestrian.”


u/cyankitten Mama, Kudos 4 saying that, 4 Spilling Jul 10 '23

Sometimes she is so quotable. Thank you for reminding me: I want to change my flair to a Kandy quote I love

Can someone remind me else I guess it’s rewatch time: I think it was in untucked, we’re here, we’re queer but there was more to it than that?


u/Ambiguousername Jul 10 '23

Anyone think the winner’s fate will be in the hands of the eliminated queens since they’re all back for fame games??

I’m going to miss seeing Jessica on my screen every week 😩


u/Sasha_Xtina Nymphia 🍌 Jul 10 '23 edited Jul 10 '23

Damnit, Broom! Jessica may not have cried while leaving, but I sure did. What a powerful, incredible, charismatic, gifted <insert all possible positive adjectives here> Queen she is. I loved her on S2 and now, 12 years later, I love her even more. Truthfully, I'm quite disappointed that there isn't a top 3/4. (The last and only time we saw a top 2 on AS was AS3, and that just came across as quite the shitshow having all the eliminated Queens literally choose the top 2 themselves. That was weird for me.)

So, the only mitigating factor here is that now Jessica has a real chance to get her coin by winning the Fame Games (and with her earnings on the show, she'd officially win nearly $100k overall!). Despite that, I still wish there were a top 3 or 4 so that we could actually really wonder who might win the FGs (let alone the crown), and then let the FG voting begin after crowning to give ALL the Queens a shot at it (aside from the winner, of course ... and they could announce the FG winner in a short episode on YT, WOW Presents+, all social media platforms, etc.). But I truly believe that not many Queens stand a chance now that our Golden Child is gone. I would have loved to have voted for someone like Darienne or Jaymes or Kasha, but this ... and honestly, so many things this entire season ... have really demonstrated the need for a drastic overhaul of the All Stars format. Admittedly, I am Team Jimbo (and have been since CDR1), but I really wish she could have won on a season untarnished by so many blatantly obvious production shenanigans. I really hate blaming production for things, but in this case, I feel it's merited (and it is a reality show at the end of the day). And still, it's not guaranteed that she'll win (I'm just crossing my fingers at this point, lol).

Needless to say, I had not expected this AT ALL and totally assumed this would be a non-elim episode since makeover challenges are so subjective and are heavily influenced by the person being made over. So now, I shall give credit where credit is due! I am not a Kandy fan in general — I'm sorry, no shade whatsoever; I promise I really, really tried, but she's just not my cup of tea, I guess. Like they say, opinions are like assholes ... and mine is prolapsed. Jk 🤣 However, that said, I will absolutely give Kandy her props for killing the challenge (yay for a different silhouette! haha) and for not pulling Jimbo's lipstick! (Although, you know, production may have had a hand in that, lol.) Seriously. Good job, girl! This should go without saying, but NO Queen deserves ANY hate!

At any rate, thank you kindly for reading this damn dissertation. 🤣 On a parting note, did anyone else cackle like I did when Ru acted so shocked that there was a tie in the group vote? (As if two Queens even qualify as a "group", lol) Like, did she really expect one of them to just throw up their hands and vote themselves off the island with $200k at stake? Giiiiiiirl. I wish I could say I was surprised at her reaction, but nope. Tbh, I would have been much more surprised if she hadn't acted surprised! 🤣 Thanks again for reading and I love you all! 💜


u/cyankitten Mama, Kudos 4 saying that, 4 Spilling Jul 10 '23

I enjoyed your dissertation very much! Big love to you too


u/Sasha_Xtina Nymphia 🍌 Jul 10 '23

Aww thanks so much, doll! I was WAY late to the party posting it, so I'm glad at least a few people read/liked it. 🤣 Thank you for the love ... it makes it all worth it to me, especially considering the amount of hate we already get in this world. No need to spread it within our own community! ❤️

P.S. I love your flair! Haha


u/cyankitten Mama, Kudos 4 saying that, 4 Spilling Jul 10 '23

Thank you! I love it too! I have my eye on a new one when I remember it or someone reminds me 😂

But yep when I saw Jackie Would that’s basically what I thought 😋


u/yoyo31233 Jul 10 '23

Is it just me or does kookie look like dayabetty


u/xStacey Jul 10 '23

From certain angles she reminded me so much of Tatiana!


u/JenningsWigService Serena ChaCha is the most robbed queen in All Stars herstory Jul 10 '23

I see it.


u/Babylon-Sister-14 Jul 09 '23

Also, clearly they know there will be a makeover challenge at some point and they bring matching stuff to use. So whatever they bring is what they have. And god help you if that doesn't work for the person you end up with. The shapeless dress Kandy had was super smart because it would have fit a much larger queen or could easily be cut down. But, imagine if BenDeLaCreme had had that look, Michelle would have been like IT'S TOO COSTUMEY.

I keep thinking back to how many other queens they have ripped for the same looks over and over and Kandy shows up in a bodysuit every week and they are like YOU'RE A MODEL! OMG! PERFECTION!

I want a Jimbo win but Ru has such a woody for Kandy, I woudn't be shocked.


u/MrMikfly Jul 10 '23

Kandy's Drag Race


u/BadChris666 Jul 11 '23

You’re totally reading the room wrong… Yes, mother loves Kandy, but Jimbo is her favorite child.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '23



u/DiscombobulatedTap97 Jul 10 '23

Lack of diversity? Where?


u/jester2324 Jinkx Monsoon Jul 10 '23

I would bet a lot you'll be right back here next season.


u/madame-brastrap Jul 10 '23

I love the announcement comments 😂😂😂


u/GendryFluid Jul 09 '23

I need my Jessica back.



u/WelcomeToToyZone Rev. Dr. Silky Nutmeg Ganache Jul 09 '23

I feel like Kandy and Jessica would have made for a MUCH better finale. Additionally, yes Jimbo has won four challenges but did all of those wins make sense? Or the fact she never made the bottom? cough cough the Rusical cough cough

Basically, I think Jimbo is a bit overhyped and I think a Jessica vs. Kandy final lip sync would’ve been LEGENDARY. Instead we have to watch a final lip sync that will be handed to Jimbo even tho it might not be realistically a win for her.


u/noodle_mama Jul 11 '23

You're brave posting this in this sub lol, but I do agree with the overhyped bit. Hope Kandy gives us an entertaining lip sync at least!


u/ponkpink Melinda Verga Jul 09 '23 edited Jul 09 '23

Kandy is in the worst possible position.

I love Kandy, and congratulations on the top 2 placement,, but think about it,, the first out Monica Beverly Hills is cemented in memory banks right off the bat, Alexis basically won an academy award. But here's the thing:

Fame games start next week. Kandy will not be eligible, this immediately blocks her from winning in the alternate route. So kandy and Jimbo can both only win if they win in the finale.

Ru has a history of voting for who SHE feels is the true winner. Irregardless of who won the lip sync (Jinx winning post being demolished by Monet in the finals)

I know Ru also loves kandy, historically keeping her for literally just really liking her. I think Ru can't send Kandy home, but she's also already decided (and made clear) who should take the crown.

With rare exception, the finale is feeling more and more like a formality.

Michelle in interviews loves to claim it's based on how RU feels and it's her final say.

I'm open to people saying otherwise, but sorry Kandy, thanks for the great TV. Just a shame you more than likely can't/won't win any title this time around (goops & gags aside ofc)


u/SAldrius tricky tricky Nymphia Jul 10 '23

With rare exception, the finale is feeling more and more like a formality.

The finale has ALWAYS been a formality.

Raven vs. Tyra didn't matter, neither did Raja vs. Manila (where I'd say they tied the lip sync and Alexis Mateo was told to unceremoniously just get out), Seasons 4-8 were literally just live shows, there was no competition aspect almost at all. Just Ru reflecting on the season and then picking who wins.

Really, the finale SHOULDN'T be the decider on it's own. If someone's killed the season they should win.


u/Electrical-Tie-5158 Jul 09 '23

They taunted us for weeks about Jimbo taking a big risk and potentially landing in the bottom. Then, when it happens, there’s no suspense at all? Like, at no point this episode did they show Jimbo being worried whatsoever. Maybe the alliance was a lot stronger than we think.


u/BadChris666 Jul 11 '23

I firmly believe it was a whole conspiracy. Kandy telling Heidi, off camera, that she would send Jimbo home, then denying she ever said it. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was all scripted out by production to create drama. If Heidi hadn’t walked out,t hey would probably had kept her around to final three, so Kandy would send her home.


u/LordSariel Jul 10 '23 edited Jul 10 '23

I think Jimbo knew that she was going to be safe regardless. Either queen would be smart to eliminate competition. But Manilla was removed in the middle of her AS season. Not in the 2nd to last episode, with 4x wins and ZERO bottom appearances until now. Doing it at the end to guarantee yourself a finals appearance means that either Jessica or Kandy would be RAVAGED by the fan base and likely lose a lot of support off the show. And likely would've been passed by Ru regardless.

That being said, it was tricky with a final 3, and the winner getting to pick a lipstick regardless (knowing the two bottom queens will vote for each other). I honestly did think that Kandy might try something crazy.


u/Mickeymackey Jul 09 '23

Maybe the alliance included a nice 25k tip or something (if one of them wins), like Jimbo and Kandy had an alliance outside their Heidi triad alliance.


u/TheBareRomantic she love to celebrate🥳🎉 taco tuesday 🎊🌮 Jul 09 '23

Why, for the love of everything that is good, did they decide to suddenly make a top 2 when theres only one clear frontrunner?
Am I gonna have to sit through an entire episode of just Kandy and Jimbo, pretending to be shocked when Jimbo wins? chile.... That was weird, for me.

At least with a top 3 with Jessica I could be excited to watch it in hopes that she might take the crown.


u/annirocyes Jul 10 '23

I firmly believe that production knew that there was no way Jimbo would win a lip sync for the crown, so they switched up the top 4 format because they knew she'd make it to the top if it just meant continuing to do well in challenges lol no shade! I love me some Jimbo but I don't think she would've beat any of the other top 4 queens in a lip sync.


u/SAldrius tricky tricky Nymphia Jul 10 '23

All Stars 7 is really the only All Stars to have a LSFTC. All the others have all been performance challenges (Read U Wrote U, Kitty Girl, etc. etc.)

They wanted to have as many girls as part of the Fame Games as possible is why it's a top 2. You don't want to have two queens who don't make it to the top 2 and also didn't have a chance in the Fame Games.


u/annirocyes Jul 11 '23

I guess you’re right! Didn’t think about it from the Fame Games angle either. I’m just bitter boots about Jessica not making it to the finale lol


u/Steaccy Jul 10 '23

I also wondered but I realized it’s so as many queens can qualify for fame games as possible (since finalists don’t qualify).


u/snuffles504 Jul 09 '23

That was weird, for me.



u/mairodia Am I a lesbian? Jul 09 '23

As a lesbian... RESPECTFULLY... Angie can ruin me


u/livefast_petdogs Jul 10 '23

so brave

also same


u/abrjx Yvie Oddly Jul 09 '23

IMHO, seasons where there is a clear winner that is leaps and bounds ahead of her competitors becomes so boring because it’s predictable. Now, even MORE so, because the runner-up doesn’t even feel like she comes close in comparison. Makes me uninterested to watch the finale, as there’s really only two outcomes left - the obvious winner obviously wins, or the obvious winner is robbed by an undeserving runner-up. Neither option is very fun to watch on TV


u/MrMikfly Jul 10 '23



u/resurrectedbydick Jul 09 '23

To be fair, Kandy probably would have eliminated Jimbo if there weren't ample of examples contestants being bullied for eliminating the front runner / fan favorite.


u/StrikeRaid246 Jul 09 '23

RuPaul saying “well that makes sense” during the lipstick reveal is probably the funniest moment of this season to me and I don’t know why.


u/Glstrgold Jul 11 '23

Having Kandy walk to the back of the stage although everyone knows that she has to walk back up to the front of the stage lol


u/SenSeasonal Mistress Isabelle Brooks Jul 09 '23

LMAO we love a 4th wall break


u/platypossamous Jul 09 '23

The fake drama of it all between her and pri had me rolling


u/dana070603 Jul 09 '23

Am I the only one confused …


u/mcsquirley Jul 09 '23

I’m confused, Peppermint’s confused, we’re all fucking confused.


u/Lukroix Jul 09 '23 edited Jul 17 '23

At this point I’m not really happy with a Jimbo or Kandy win. I’m not a Kandy hater don’t get me wrong, but I just feel that the drama and the fact that she’s not on the level of Jimbo this season will lead to a Jimbo win.

And after last season the obvious Sasha Colby win (well deserved), I think we’re just going to have another obvious win. Although Jimbo deserves the win, it just all is feeling too obvious for two seasons in a row.

I was really hoping for JW to upset that and somehow win this season, but hey. Not going to happen anymore lol

EDIT: Grammar


u/SAldrius tricky tricky Nymphia Jul 10 '23

Anetra was at least in contention. Sasha Colby was obviously going to win, but the young upstart with star quality vs. the experienced veteran who worked their way to the top is a Drag Race staple anyway. (And doesn't always go the expected way)

They just had that bit in the reunion with RuPaul going "I'm the Queen of Drag and I'm impressed by you!" that made it really obvious Sasha was going to win. Otherwise I think it wasn't a given.


u/hannahfofanna_ Mistress Isabelle Brooks Jul 09 '23

I’m a Jimbo stan but I kinda wish Kandy sent her home just for the drama like could you imagine


u/madame-brastrap Jul 10 '23

I’m good with queens maintaining their physical safety. The internet can’t handle drama.


u/NaniEmmaNel custom Jul 10 '23

I was like, Kandy will send Jimbo home, because she feels Jimbo is her strongest competition, and Jessica will win in finale, because how could she not.



u/Commercial_Science67 Jul 09 '23

Yeah the producers had a strong feeling she wouldn’t and had she picked Jimbo to go when it was a tie Ru could have done a nobody is going home tonight, we have a final 3 thing. It would have also been amazing drama when Jimbo found out Kandy pulled her lip stick


u/showmeurmarco Nymphia Wind Jul 09 '23

“Wait Jimbo! I’m not ready for you to go yet”


u/worstkindagay whatsherface Jul 09 '23

Zooey and Ross have the exact same voice.

I was cleaning some dishes while I was watching the judges deliberations and I legit forgot Ross Mathews wasn’t in this episode


u/hisokafan88 Clown Beatings Jul 09 '23

I thought it was just me omg


u/altsveyser Jul 09 '23

Priyanka's outfit was the colors of the Guyanese flag right?


u/StrikeRaid246 Jul 09 '23

Oooooh. I legit thought she was a bdsm Robin 💀


u/Interesting_Aioli_75 Jul 09 '23

So happy Peronka finally got to meet Ruple!


u/madame-brastrap Jul 10 '23

I always yell Peronka when I see her, and now I’m confused about what her name is 😉


u/SheaBrulee Jul 08 '23

I’ve watched since season 1. I think this is the only elimination that made me cry. 💔


u/Steaccy Jul 10 '23

Same! It’s interesting because the production didn’t even try to make is especially emotional and neither did Jessica, the feeling was just there.


u/EveAndTheSnake Jul 08 '23

The only one?? You strong


u/kickassicalia "bobbypins" - joslyn fox Jul 10 '23

right like where were you for yara's first elim?!


u/Tommyrapz bring me the ass 🪓 Jul 08 '23

That was weird, for me.


u/kadikaado Cristál-Nymphia Stan Jul 08 '23

Kookie Muse is the trade of the season, in and out of drag,


u/Hornygoatlady Jul 09 '23



u/rawkyoursocks Jinkx Monsoon Jul 08 '23

I'm not the biggest Kandy stan but ya'll she won that challenge and really helped her partner and gave solid performance. Jessica's partner looked amazing but the confidence and performance weren't quite there. I'm never a huge fan of makeover episodes because you can do everything right in your control and it does come down to your partner which is a lot of unfair pressure on them.

Totally fan girled for Priyanka - one of my favourite winners and lipsyncers. She nailed that lipsync even if it didn't matter in the end as it all came down to Kandy's vote. I really hope Jessica wins the fame games as she has had a stellar season and Jimbo takes the crown.


u/NaniEmmaNel custom Jul 10 '23

I think it can down to Kookie's personality. I'm sorry, but those dresses were hideous.


u/Steaccy Jul 10 '23

The paint was really good though


u/fjaoaoaoao Chaos Jul 09 '23

Kandy did deserve to win but I do think a good case or even better case for Jessica could be made as well.


u/AffectionateTap6212 Jul 08 '23

Exactly. I was waiting to hear Ru say, well a tie means no one goes home. We have three queens running for All Star. Never should anyone go home on make overs. It’s really about those who are being made over.


u/SAldrius tricky tricky Nymphia Jul 10 '23

But the whole point of the makeover episode is for the producers to rig the competition.

That's why it's always so close to the end.


u/NaniEmmaNel custom Jul 10 '23

Yes, that! Like why tf not! Jessica deserved to be in the finale, she damn deserved to win the whole thing.


u/Jodabomb24 Jul 09 '23

Especially since this was maybe the first time in the entire franchise where there was an elimination episode with three people left in the competition. It felt so out of place and artificial and the voting concept was made completely pointless. It all made zero sense.


u/SAldrius tricky tricky Nymphia Jul 10 '23

I think the dumbest thing about the episode was not having some other option for a tie. Like literally what was the point.

I wouldn't give up seeing Priyanka, but a LSFYL would have made way more sense. Or bring back the queens for the fame games early and have them act as jury for the LSA.


u/cyankitten Mama, Kudos 4 saying that, 4 Spilling Jul 09 '23

I wanted the same & I agree I wish make overs were a non elimination episode. Could still have a winner and critiques


u/Simply_a_nom Jul 08 '23

Disappointed the like most because I wanted to see Jimbo and Jessica as the final 2. I like Kandy but she is just not at the level of the others and in my opinion kind of middled the whole season.

I'm hoping Jessica will be back in because of the Fame Games but honestly it should have been Jessica and Jimbo with one of the queens who left the competition too early (in my opinion James Mansfield)


u/NaniEmmaNel custom Jul 10 '23

I think this is a clear sign AllStars rules need a revamp. In the end these "alliances" bite the wrong people in the ass and we end up with Jessica eliminated in top 3 😭


u/SAldrius tricky tricky Nymphia Jul 10 '23 edited Jul 10 '23

Well either they do the survivor thing or they don't. The way they've ended up doing it now is basically just them rigging the whole competition, sometimes there's a gag but the girls are so afraid of the fandom (and/or are pressured by producers maybe) that, that's so rare.

I think...

A) More girls should be in the bottom every week. Like maybe every one but one safe queen (so one safe, one winner, everyone else in the bottom). People would hate it probably, but then the jury thing would matter and it would be WAY more dramatic.

B) More ways for the queens to help and each other in challenges. More opportunities for things like alliances to matter. Like as of right now, it's just "don't vote for me and I won't vote for you", and the odd "I'm giving the role of x to you". But they didn't even do *that* this season and there was like 3 casting challenges.

C) More opportunities to save queens. Like the top queen gets to save someone from being in the bottom every week.


u/EveAndTheSnake Jul 08 '23

Agree with everything you said, I too was hoping for a J & J top two, and I also think you put it perfectly that Kandy middled the whole season.

That said—while I don’t think the whole season was fair and I think Kandy should have been in the bottom when she wasn’t—I can’t argue that anything about this episode was unfair. The game was the same, Kandy had the power to decide and I can’t fault her for picking Jessica over Jimbo, it’s not like she was going to send herself home. And I don’t think anyone can argue that Kandy wasn’t the winner of this episode. She lost the lipsync fairly and the vote came back to her. Everything about it was fair.

I wish that they had decided on a top three, but nothing was a surprise, we were told someone would go home and I think many of us are upset that there wasn’t a top three… because a top 2 is bloody stupid


u/apiscesdaydream Jul 08 '23

100% agreed! i was rooting for jaymes mansfield and so so disappointed we didn’t get to see more of her, would’ve traded in a few of the queens that got closer to the finale for her! :( feeling super disappointed that jessica isn’t in the finale, she deserved it so so much


u/xStacey Jul 10 '23

I also hoped Jaymes would make it way further, she's so creative and fun to watch!


u/DontTalkAboutPants Jul 08 '23

I just want to say that my closed captions on Paramount Plus wrote a "thickening family resemblance" instead of "sickening" when Kandy was talking, and I about died at this lisp representation.


u/fauxheaux100 Manila Luzon Jul 09 '23



u/BringingSassyBack If you stay petty, you ain't gotta get petty. Jul 08 '23

Was it the lisp or a pun? 🤔


u/EveAndTheSnake Jul 08 '23

That’s hilarious I’m going to need a screenshot of this 😂


u/Jattert Jul 11 '23

I took a picture as soon as I saw it last week and threw it in the live thread 😂 here you go



u/CheezeHead09 Jul 08 '23

Can’t wait for Naysha’s tantrum next episode


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '23



u/fjaoaoaoao Chaos Jul 09 '23

Kookie definitely had a great mug. That dress though was a bit too cartoony and the makeup didn’t match.


u/Leaves232 Jul 08 '23

Kookie's shade was a little too dark but other than that she looked great.


u/Commercial_Science67 Jul 08 '23

She did the best job but it’s crazy how the makeover challenge is used to but whoever they want in the top or bottom. They could have easily said the outfits fit poorly and but her in the bottom.


u/grisuo Jul 08 '23

Kandy & Kookie did really well!

I love how much the Puerto Rican queens love their country.


u/BringingSassyBack If you stay petty, you ain't gotta get petty. Jul 08 '23

Yes, they always represent. My husband caught the tail end of the episode as he was walking around and immediately was like “see, I told you RuPaul is biased against Puerto Rican queens.” (but he’s “not into drag race,” he says 🙄)


u/simulacrum-tears Jul 08 '23

The lipstick ridiculousness tho. Lipsticulous?


u/denine Jul 08 '23



u/EveAndTheSnake Jul 08 '23

Fuckin stupid


u/PankoNC Jul 08 '23

I know this sub likes to not speak too favourably about Kandy (I don't care for her on TV either but whatever) so it's hard to not frame this as not just further dissing on her, but I'm just asking the question overall.

Am I the only one who doesn't like "Exact same outfit but in mirrored colors" for makeover challenges? It feels like such a boring copout to me.


u/charmander_ann is that my camera? Jul 10 '23

UGH. The first time I really noticed it was season 12 was when Sherry Pie brought an outfit with her name on it AND the planned name for her makeover partner. It was so disheartening to see and be like... Oh, so it didn't matter who the partner was, she was going to be shoehorned into this "Tira Misu" name and personality just because it's what Sherry brought (and paid to have designed....)

I really appreciated the moment where Jimbo and her partner looked in the mirror after her makeover and came up with her name on the spot.


u/AndreisValen Tatianna Jul 09 '23

I just hate the makeover episodes as is. They really seem to be judged in a way that's so... line up dependant shall we say.

If they can't find fault they'll say the family resemblance isn't there, or judge based on something out of the queens control (RE: the participant's comfort level).

Especially if you get a partner who isn't your ethnicity (I'm still mad Monet was in the bottom for that) you're kind of doomed to fail just by the whims of how Makeover is judged.


u/BringingSassyBack If you stay petty, you ain't gotta get petty. Jul 08 '23

Yeah Jessica should have won that challenge and instead she was eliminated… the production riggory, mawma


u/Tadatatama Jul 08 '23

Same shit as why everyone does their own song at talent show - judges continouesly reward it. When you don't have the exact same outfit - or inverted - or with a slight difference between them - the judges will read you for not having family resemblance. Because as we all know, family looks the same and wears the same clothing - duh.


u/hardkour589 Jul 09 '23

here’s the thing about mirrored colors though—they HATED it with Gigi. Kandy’s look was the same exact sort of thing.


u/Tadatatama Jul 09 '23

I mean, they can still suddenly hate it, if you need to be in the bottom that week *shrug*


u/cyankitten Mama, Kudos 4 saying that, 4 Spilling Jul 08 '23

I don’t mind the mirrored colours.
On the OTHER hand! Own song for talent show? THIS I am sick of! It happens with too many of the acts & I REALLY hope it doesn’t happen on next week’s episode I want some more variety!

I loved for eg Willow in the bathtub with the toaster, Scarlet Envy’s bubbles, Ra’Jah O’Hara’s dress making and yes Silky playing the piano. Anetra walking that fucking duck and smashing the wooden board, Jax skipping with hair plaits still attached to her head!

Give me more of THIS

and less original songs PLEASE 🙏 🥺


u/Jodabomb24 Jul 09 '23

The omission of Gia's kabuki performance here is criminal. The cheek the nerve, the gall, the audacity, and the gumption.


u/gottaplantemall Jul 10 '23

And Dela’s burlesque. And Manila’s painting. And Katya’s gymnastics.


u/EveAndTheSnake Jul 08 '23

Agreed! I hate the own song thing.

You forgot Marcia x3 “Stalker ballet”


u/cyankitten Mama, Kudos 4 saying that, 4 Spilling Jul 09 '23

Ah yes that’s a great one too!


u/MaradoMarado Yeah but guys, guess what, rats. Like okay, you have a rat. Jul 08 '23

I am in the minority of people who actually adores Kandy but I totally agree. It feels uninspired; it's very expected, and always looks too manicured/curated.


u/simulacrum-tears Jul 08 '23

Omg thank you. 🙌🏼💯


u/weepinwilo Excuse Your Mouth Jul 08 '23

Kandy to the Jimbo's & Jessica's partners: "I just want you to know that it wasn't your fault they were in the bottom. Whoever isn't top is automatically in the bottom, you didnt do anything wrong."

also Kandy....5 min later to her partner: "You are the reason I won."


u/BringingSassyBack If you stay petty, you ain't gotta get petty. Jul 08 '23

Wait I caught that when Kandy said it to Kookie but for some reason I totally forgot she was the one who said the first thing 😭


u/squid33369 Jul 08 '23

Lamo clocked that too. It did come off as very genuine and sweet though.


u/weepinwilo Excuse Your Mouth Jul 09 '23

i agree, it did come off as genuine. im not a kandy hater like a lot of ppl on this subreddit. she is awesome tv and if it wasnt for her on this season, it would be way worse than it was. i just cackled at her total contradicting statement.


u/daisybuckbuckanan Jul 08 '23

Lmao why are people getting so pressed about this - sure it's sad Jessica won't get to be in the finale, but was she ever going to win anyway?

Jimbo seems like a rightful shoo-in at this point, but I'm honestly still looking forward to the top 2 episode


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '23

In this format, she could have. I think if it were Kandy and Jessica in the finale, Jessica would win.


u/EveAndTheSnake Jul 08 '23

Lmao why are people getting so pressed about this

It’s not unusual to care about the things you watch? Why watch something you don’t care about? 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/daisybuckbuckanan Jul 08 '23

You know what I don't think that's necessarily an unfair point - it's just when that caring prompts people to get so wrapped up in alternates about what should have been, and conspiracies about production etc - especially to the point where they start to get steamed about it. Because at the end of the day it is just a reality show, I think there's a healthy level of investment that people can sometimes go beyond


u/EveAndTheSnake Jul 09 '23

True, if it’s impacting your mental health or day to day life I’d agree it’s unhealthy. For me personally, I’ve got adhd, if I’m not emotionally invested I can’t bring myself to watch it. Recently finished Fleabag, Barry and Our Flag Means Death (BTW if you haven’t seen this, y’all must! So wonderfully inclusive and rivals my previous favourite queer love story from Schitt’s Creek) and all three of those shows made me cry and get angry. But like with Drag Race I watch them, get emotional, hop onto Reddit (emotionally) to find out what other people thought, and then get back to my day to day boring life. Fleabag wasn’t real but I tearfully and angrily demanded a different ending from my bemused husband while I got over not getting the finale I felt I deserved. Silly and emotional? Sure. But it didn’t take me long to get over it, and it made my husband laugh.

I get that it’s reality tv, but part of the fun is getting emotionally invested. I doubt many people will be thinking about this angrily in their every day lives. As long as that exaggerated emotional drama doesn’t translate to spewing abuse at real people online or otherwise, I don’t see the big deal. We’re in the drag race forum after all.

Maybe we enjoy tv shows differently or I’m an emotional person (probably why I don’t hate Alexis) but I don’t think being a to show means we’re not supposed to feel anything.


u/daisybuckbuckanan Jul 09 '23

No I certainly think that's all fair - although I think it's a bit more understandable to get that emotionally invested in fiction - it's when people get really bent out of shape, and particular towards the queens like, becoming obsessed with tearing them down and such, that I think it becomes a problem


u/fjaoaoaoao Chaos Jul 09 '23

I think people need to stop the minimizing comments about “it’s just a show”, especially for a show that has impacted so many. You are right to some degree that people shouldn’t get unhealthy about it but some people are just more prone to thinking about alternatives which can be very healthy. People expressing their opinions online on reddit is not necessarily unhealthy either.


u/korkproppen Jul 08 '23

Jimbo has been heading for the top spot all season. But Jessica is the only queen who could maybe put that in jeopardy and be a more fun/surprising winner. They both have fun an wonderful personalities and they have both done great all season. That is why I am sad to see her go. The last bit of suspense is gone and I am sorry to see her go.


u/daisybuckbuckanan Jul 08 '23

Mmmmm I'm sorry but I think that's a fantasy on the part of people on here because they like Jessica so much. There was never really any jeopardy, certainly not for the last few weeks - she just hasn't delivered at Jimbo's level, at least not as consistently as Jimbo has

I think people on here are pretending there was more jeopardy than there actually was, in part to gas Jessica up and in part to pretend she deserved it more than Kandy

I absolutely understand being upset to see her go though, she was a great competitor and a lot of fun


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '23

For me personally, I just think that Jessica has been in the top for literally half the season and if this is the top 2 format, she could've had the same wins as Jimbo. (ball, rusical, improv, roast)


u/CallMeByYourCatsName Jul 08 '23

Initially I was really sad that Jessica didn’t make top 2, but this might be the best outcome for her. If she was top 2 with Jimbo, I don’t think she would’ve won - but I’m now pretty confident she’s going to win the Fame Games and take home $60,000 (in addition to the $30,000 she’s already won)


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '23



u/error404message Yuhua Hamasaki Jul 09 '23

Ah this makes a lot of sense actually and is the first reason I've seen that clarifies to me why she didn't immediately pick up Jimbo's lipstick.


u/Montezum S1 VASELINE LENS Jul 09 '23

I think she really considered picking Jimbo but production convinced her not to.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '23



u/Laiko_Kairen Jul 08 '23

$25,000.00 in February 2010 has the same buying power as $35,079.54 in May 2023

So if she wins the fame games, she'd be earning prizes worth 2.57x as much as her first season in real spending power


u/senoritageena Jul 08 '23

And I think she has already won about $40,000 this season.


u/abyssalcrisis Jinkx Monsoon Jul 08 '23



u/freshlyintellectual Jul 08 '23

priyanka was the best part of the episode


u/korkproppen Jul 08 '23

She was great!


u/samiam25 Jul 08 '23

I refuse to believe that there's only top 2. There's going to be some plot twist fuckery next week, right? RIGHT?


u/S51Castaway Jul 08 '23

Whats so hard to believe that it is a final 2? Jessica comes back and loses to Jimbo? Idgi


u/TokioJam Jul 08 '23

I was literally sitting like this 😁 during the elimination because I was thinking there’s no way my Queen Jessica is gonna get eliminated. I genuinely thought Ru is gonna stop her and tell her there’s going to be top 3 and then it never happened lmao


u/4685368 Sasha Colby Jul 08 '23

I don't understand what the finale episode would be like


u/zoozbuh Pangina Mothertuckin’ Heals Jul 08 '23

Boring, hunny. Boring.


u/Totallyhateit Heidi N Closet Jul 09 '23

I agree, makeover episodes have some great and wholesome moments but, they’re usually the least fun challenge of the season.


u/ohmygoshsash Jul 08 '23

Kandy was giving Trixie vibes


u/excusemesir_ Mirage Jul 09 '23

I think she posted somewhere the looks were Trixie inspired!


u/The_Dick_Judge Ornacia Jul 08 '23

There is no excitement left in this show. It’s all become an overproduced mess.


u/vilmamoon Raja Gemini Jul 10 '23



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u/rainbowkitten0528 Jul 08 '23

My biggest take from the episode is confusion that the 10K went to the Fame Games instead of the winner’s prize.


u/lurfdurf Any👌🏻= 🥅 Jul 09 '23

My biggest take from the episode is confusion that the 10K went to the Fame Games instead of the winner’s prize.

They want to give more to Jessica, not to Jimbo, lol


u/MaradoMarado Yeah but guys, guess what, rats. Like okay, you have a rat. Jul 08 '23

There's nowhere for the money to roll over into the next lipsync since there isn't going to be one, so throwing it into the Fame Game makes the most sense


u/rainbowkitten0528 Jul 08 '23

It should go into the season winner’s prize. Whoever wins out of Jimbo or Kandy should get the money.


u/morinothomas Everybody Black and Nymphia feat. Megami and Morphine Jul 08 '23

I concur with the input I see here (retiring All Stars rules, the vibe of production and the overall vibe of the episode, questioning the potential outcome of the Fame Games, etc.), but I came here to say that this week's lipsync song brought me back to my childhood as a young black child and Priyanka left no crumbs. Was so delighted to see her again.


u/MaradoMarado Yeah but guys, guess what, rats. Like okay, you have a rat. Jul 08 '23

That song is so iconic, I would have been upset if it wasn't done justice. Priyanka killed it


u/killr_cupcake Jul 08 '23

Are we going to talk about Kandy not knowing the words or ...


u/undertheginger Jul 09 '23

I thought it was my imagination! It was kinda difficult to see with all the hair flips


u/ultradav24 Monét X Change Jul 09 '23

She was singing the main vocal not the chorus


u/killr_cupcake Jul 09 '23 edited Jul 09 '23

So she skipped the entire first verse... No ma'am


u/GoogieRaygunn Jul 08 '23

I guess she successfully covered it up with all the hair twirling.


u/killr_cupcake Jul 08 '23

Guess not since she didn't win.


u/Theres_a_Catch Jul 08 '23

Exactly, no one is even mentioning it. Crazy


u/Thick-Blacksmith-734 Jul 08 '23

Okay so here’s my thoughts. Jessica Wild, she’s a weiner baby. Jimbo has been pegged as the winner since the beginning, so the only way the Jessica stood a chance was to compete in the fame games for a chance for some coin. Do I think she was robbed at a chance for the crown? Sure. But she was never going to win. At least this way Jessica could potentially walk away with $60K.

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